A website is truly personal if it hosts your blog as well, this place of the internet where you can place your thoughts about anything!
Latest post preview in Index page
First of all, you get a preview of the latest post in the index, in order to attract the visitor to visit your blog. The size of this preview is defined by:
post-preview-words: 96
Feel free to experiment with different sizes, and pick the best for you
A blog is expected to host many posts, so you will need an archive with pagination, which in a nutshell it’s a grouping of your posts in pages, in reverse chronological order. You can define the number of posts that are displayed per page by changing:
paginate: 5
Share buttons
Many share buttons are available and can be enabled or disabled by setting the following:
email-share: True
fb-share: True
twitter-share: True
linkedin-share: True
reddit-share: True
google-plus-share: True
tumblr-share: True
pinterest-share: True
pocket-share: True
vkontakte-share: True
You can enable Disqus comments by just setting your Disqus username here:
disqus-shortname: "Your Disqus username"
RSS feed
The RSS feed is automatically generated and placed in /feed.xml.
The Sitemap is automatically generated and placed in /sitemap.xml
Unfortunately the comments have been turned off but dont worry they will be back soon.