So orginally I built this website to show that I can buiild HTML but its become so much more. Also it's a way to communicate with the outside world. But my favorite is if someone asks you an annoying 🤬 questions you can always point them to the website lol. The website is built with Jekyll and Github Pages. Ther really great thing its free 👍. With the ablity to make json and static websites its not half bad. OK a little bit more about mysel I love pizza 🍕. But what I really love is computing 🖥️. I'm 👨💻. developer and network enginner. I like alot of computer games but not all coffee over tea (But do like biscuits and tea).☕
Cras nisl lacus, tincidunt vitae neque vitae, interdum iaculis tortor. Orci varius natoque